Designing for Inclusion: How Accessibility Improves User Experience

February 20, 2024
9 Mins
Designing for Inclusion: How Accessibility Improves User Experience

Accessibility in UI/UX design refers to the practice of making software and websites usable for individuals with disabilities. It is important in terms of software engineering and UI/UX design because it helps to ensure that all users can easily navigate and interact with the software, regardless of their abilities. It also ensures compliance with legal regulations, and can lead to increased user engagement and satisfaction.

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Examples of disabilities that designers and developers should consider when creating software include: visual impairments, auditory impairments, motor impairments, and cognitive impairments.

  1. Visual impairments can range from mild to severe, such as color blindness, where an individual has difficulty distinguishing certain colors, to total blindness. To make software accessible for people with visual impairments, designers can use high-contrast color schemes, making sure text is large enough to read, and providing alternative text for images.
  2. Auditory impairments can range from mild hearing loss to total deafness. To make software accessible for people with auditory impairments, you can provide captions or subtitles for videos, and alternative text for images.
  3. Motor impairments can range from difficulty using a mouse to complete paralysis. To make software accessible for people with motor impairments, keyboard navigation, and large clickable areas would be a good starting point.
  4. Cognitive impairments can range from difficulty processing information to memory loss. To make software accessible for people with cognitive impairments, designers can provide simple, consistent layouts, and clear and concise instructions.

These are some examples of the type of disabilities, and the solutions that designers and developers can use to make software more accessible and user-friendly. It's important to note that accessibility should not be seen as a one-size-fits-all solution, and it's important to consider the needs of each individual user.


In terms of UI/UX design, accessibility considerations can include things such as making sure buttons and other interactive elements are large enough to be easily clicked or tapped, providing clear and easy-to-read text, and allowing for keyboard navigation.Additionally, designers can use techniques such as providing clear visual cues, using simple and intuitive layout, and offering user-friendly ways to customise the interface to meet the needs of different users.


On the software engineering and front-end side, accessibility can be achieved through the use of technologies such as HTML,CSS, and JavaScript. For example, using semantic HTML tags such as headings, paragraphs, and lists can help screen readers to understand the structure of the content. Similarly, using CSS to control layout and styling can help to improve the visibility and contrast of text and images. And JavaScript can be used to add functionality to the website such as keyboard navigation, alternative text for images, and ARIA attributes.

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) isa set of attributes that can be added to HTML elements to provide additional information to assistive technologies. This can include information about the role of an element, its state, and any properties it may have. Using ARIA can greatly improve the accessibility of a website or application, making it more usable for individuals with disabilities. Some common ARIA attributes include:

  • "role" attribute: This attribute is used to describe the purpose or function of an element on the page. Examples of roles include"button", "heading", "link", and"form".
  • "aria-label" attribute: This attribute is used to provide a text description of an element for assistive technology. This can be useful for elements that do not have visible text, such as icons or images.
  • "aria-describedby"attribute: This attribute is used to associate an element with a text description. The text description can be provided by an element with an ID, which is referenced by the "aria-describedby" attribute.
  • "aria-hidden" attribute: This attribute is used to hide an element from assistive technology. This can be useful for elements that are only used for visual styling or layout.
  • "aria-live" attribute: This attribute is used to indicate that an element's content may change dynamically and should be announced by assistive technology.
  • "aria-checked" attribute: This attribute is used to indicate the current state of an element, such as whether a checkbox is checked or not.
  • "tabindex" attribute: This attribute is used to specify the order in which elements are focused when using the tab key.

By using these attributes, developers can provide additional information to assistive technologies, making the website or application more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

There are also several legal regulations that require software to be accessible to people with disabilities. In the UnitedStates, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all private and state-run organisations, including private businesses, requires all electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities. TheWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) is also widely used as a standard for ensuring web accessibility. In Europe, the EU Web Accessibility Directive requires all public sector websites and mobile apps to be accessible to people with disabilities.


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 is a set of guidelines and standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for making web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. It is organised around four main principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust, each with specific guidelines and testable success criteria. To useWCAG 2.0, web developers and designers should familiarise themselves with the guidelines and success criteria, evaluate their web content against these guidelines, make necessary changes to ensure that the content is as accessible as possible, and test their web content using assistive technologies such as screen readers to ensure it is fully accessible to users with disabilities.This will help to increase user engagement and satisfaction by making the website usable for a wide range of users.


Accessibility testing is crucial for identifying issues that may affect the usability of the product for users with disabilities. It helps to identify issues such as poor contrast, small text, confusing navigation, poor keyboard accessibility, and lack of alternative input options. When testing for accessibility, designers and developers should also consider how the product will be used by users with different types of disabilities and keep in mind that accessibility is not just about making a product usable for users with disabilities, but it also improves the experience for all users. By incorporating accessibility testing into the design and development process, designers and developers can create more inclusive and user-friendly products that can improve the user experience for all users.


An example scenario of how accessibility features can help a person with disabilities accomplish their goal is a person with a mobility impairment trying to use a mobile app for public transportation. The person is using a wheelchair and has limited hand dexterity. They are having difficulty navigating the app and selecting the correct transportation options.

The app is not fully accessible, and the buttons are small and difficult for the person to press with their limited dexterity. The layout is also confusing, and the person is having trouble understanding the information presented on the app.
With the help of accessibility features, the person is able to navigate the app with ease. The app has been designed with accessibility in mind, and all buttons have been made larger and easier to press. The layout has been simplified and made more intuitive, making it easier for the person to understand the information presented. The app also includes the option to use voice commands, which the person can use to select transportation options without having to press buttons.
The app also includes a feature that allows the person to set accessibility preferences, such as larger text, high-contrast color schemes, and the ability to adjust the font size. This allows the person to customise the app to suit their individual needs.
In addition, the app also includes a feature that allows the person to plan a trip and to check for accessibility information for the transportation options such as providing information about wheelchair accessibility on buses and trains. This can help the person to plan a trip and make sure that the transportation options are accessible for their needs.
Overall, the accessibility features of the app have allowed the person with a mobility impairment to accomplish their goal of using public transportation. The app has been designed with accessibility in mind, making it more user-friendly and inclusive for individuals with disabilities. This not only improves the user experience, but it also ensures compliance with legal regulations and can lead to increased user engagement and satisfaction.

In conclusion, accessibility in UI/UX design is essential for ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can easily navigate and interact with software. Incorporating accessibility considerations into the design process not only improves the user experience, but it also helps to ensure compliance with legal requirements and can lead to increased user engagement and satisfaction. By considering accessibility throughout the design process, designers and developers can create software that is more inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities.

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